E-Mobility – nachhaltige Elektro­mobilität bei BauWerke

Since 2017 BauWerke replaced its fleet of already fuel-efficient Smart-cars with their electric-drive cousins. The charging stations that are currently installed in the company’s parking lot will be supplied by the rooftop PV-system, resulting in zero emissions while driving as well as charging, a win-win for the environment.

With the conversion of the last company vehicle in  2019, our employees are now only electrically on the move, with no emissions of noise, CO2 or other pollutants, but with a lot of comfort and driving pleasure.


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Gesellschaft für Konzeption, Planung und Betreuung von Bauwerken mbH

Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 92-94 | 14059 Berlin | Deutschland

Telefon: +49 (0)30 300 96 70

E-Mail: info@bauwerke.org

Presse- / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: presse@bauwerke.org