Studentenwohnheim Akademia Residenz

Vom Hotel zum Studenten­wohnheim

During an extensive 6-month-renovation, the former Airport Hotel was brought to current code standards and received a clean, contemporary look. 304 rooms range from studios to 2-room units, each with a kitchen and bath. Common spaces include a generous lobby, quiet study room and start-up-space, a children’s daycare center, a take-out restaurant and a pocket park will follow shortly. BauWerke attended to the project as General Planner through all design and construction phases.


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Logo BauWerke Städtebau, Architektur, Design, Gesamtplanung

Gesellschaft für Konzeption, Planung und Betreuung von Bauwerken mbH

Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 92-94 | 14059 Berlin | Deutschland

Telefon: +49 (0)30 300 96 70


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