Appreciation of outstanding architectural work
“It is extremely impressive when young people not only complete their studies, but also enable themselves excellent training and the best professional opportunities through excellent performance. We want to challenge and encourage – both in the interests of the students and with regard to a sustainable strengthening of Berlin as an architecture, construction and university location,” says Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Breitenthaler, founder and managing director of the architectural office BauWerke GmbH from Berlin-Charlottenburg and initiator of the BauWerke Excellence Prize.
The prize is endowed with 3,450 euros and has been awarded once a year since 2019 in a festive setting. This year, too, the graduates with the best bachelor theses at the end of their studies in architecture at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) were honored for their exceptional achievements.
“Among the works there are some that stand out – through special design quality, technical-constructive processing as well as representation and presentation”, explains Professor Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Sedelies from BHT.
This year’s prizewinners were announced on the evening of December 1st on behalf of the management of BauWerke GmbH and the board members of the Fördergemeinschaft Bauwesen e.V. and the Friends of the BDB Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg as well as the Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure e.V. (BDB) in the villa of the BDB in Willdenowstraße in Berlin.
Mr. Jakob Brockmann and Mr. Konstantin Kaune won first prize for their joint work of the kayak club “BRØKKA” with a recreation and wellness area in Norway.
Mr. Peter Herzog received second prize for the sports, accommodation and meeting center “HUB” (Hauingen Accommodation Movement).
Mrs. Yesim Alper and Mrs. Laura Endres were awarded a recognition prize for their joint work “NINHO” (hiking hostel).
Ms. Lina Rüttiger also won a recognition award for her design of a water sports clubhouse.
“One can say that we can rightly be proud of the increasing importance of the BauWerke Excellence Award gaining – the record participation this year shows us once again the great interest in the joint work of our support association, the university and the architectural office BauWerke .”, says Professor Kai Kummert, chairman of the jury and the organizing committee. The time until the next award ceremony in the coming year will continue to be used intensively to once again enable the students to participate in an exciting and innovative competition.
The event was very well attended with 45 guests from very different areas such as architecture, science, the press, business and politics. In the festive setting, there was also sufficient space for networking with drinks and finger food between the exhibited award-winning works.
Gesellschaft für Konzeption, Planung und Betreuung von Bauwerken mbH
Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 92-94 | 14059 Berlin | Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 300 96 70
E-Mail: info(at)
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